Thursday, June 17, 2010


Oh please please please . I want to go home so badly . Not here, not in Malacca . My home sweet home, with my family at Kuala Terengganu . Sumpah homesick gila sekarang, tak tahu kenapa . Tolonglah Abah tempah ticket flight balik, even skrg baru week 2 kat sini, tapi aya nak balik rumah ! Kenapa cuti mesti sekejap je ? Hm im crying right now . I miss my family and my bestfriends . Rasa macam nak gila duduk kat sini dengan macam macam orang . Tak nak fikir mereka lepasni please . Or berhentilah belajar kat MMU pun takpa, nak belajar kat tempat jauhhhhhh . Not here lagi, but luar dari Malaysia . Macam Nuraini idros, bestnya dia dapat build new life kat Texas tu . I wish i can do the same thing as her, but i know i couldnt do that . My family is not that rich, dapat belajar kat Multimedia University ni pun dah kira bagus la . Abah youre the best father ive ever had ! I miss you Abah :( Umi, sorry dah lama tak call umi, since aya busy dekat collegue ni lately, esok saya pasti call! Rindu umi . Rindu umi suap makan && .. ( oh sorry ulang benda sama ) . Im dying right now . I just had too many problems right now . I couldnt think anymore, my house is the best place to calm . I still have my family besides me . Semua orang jahat dengan aya, or aya yang jahat dengan orang ? Apa apa la korang nak fikir . I dont care . Im sorry for everything people outhere . I know, im weird and problematics . If i could fix any wrongdoings that i did, dah lama buat dah . Human is not perfect . Just accept the fact okay . Haih okay bye . Couldnt write anymore, im weak . Chow

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I miss .

I was so bored right now . Syfq is not here, mandy is not here, i mean at Malacca . Haih . My life would suck without them . I miss my family so bad right now . Feels like nak balik sekarang jugak! Oh tolong lah sesiapa beli ticket flight balik Kuala Terengganu . Im dying over here . Umi and abah, aya nak balik rumah ! Tak suka kat sini . Rasa mcm baru 1st sem bila mcmni . Padahal dah masuk sem 4th belajar kat sini . HAHA! Rindu semua orang . Rindu iwan, sharmin, alisya and baby . Mostly rindu my beloved ummi . Umi, i miss you so much . Nak hug ! Nak umi suap makan ! Nak gossip dgn umi ! Nak tgk tv dgn umi ! Nak tidur bawah ketiak umi, hee . Oh gosh, kalau lah rumah kita kat KL ke, kan boleh balik every weekend mcm kwn kwn yg lain . Kenapa la aku belajar jauh jauh sgt . Ni lah padahnya kalau pilih nak belajar jauh jauh . Dah la lapar skrg , takda orang nak masak . And and rindu my bestfriends . Ergh mesti diorang selalu keluar lepak tiga orang tu . Bella mira and uca oi, korang tak rindu i ke haaa ? I banyak gila story ni . Bila rindu tiga orang tu, rindu jugak my the other half, ezyan and jiey . Haaaa mu mu semua, sumpah aku rindu nak lepak dgn korang :( Tunggu nanti, kalau aku ada cuti . Kita semua pasti akan berjumpa lagi . YAY ! Okay, now dah lepas rindu kat semua . Lega sikit . Love and miss you all so much . XXO

Friday, June 11, 2010

Wedding .

My cousin's wedding day was wonderful . Everything goes well even there's lotsa family dramas .
Haih biasalah . My family mmg selalu mcmni , ada je benda yang tak kena . Terasa la ape lah . HAHA but its okay . Its funny tho , bila teringat balik cerita cerita ni semua . Walaupun tak semua family berkumpul , tetapi i was happy sebab semua orang berkerjasama menjalani tugas masing - masing utk menjayakan majlis perkahwinan ni .
The theme colour for this wedding is grey or light grey . So all of the family members have to wear the same colour . And i was wearing light grey same as my mom . What i like the most is, flower girls .
They were so so cute wearing this white dress and red roses scarfs made by rini . Comel lah adik saya tu! Alisya, you look so cute .
And and the food is delicious , ramai juga la orang datang , tiba tiba terjumpa la sorang student mmu . What a small world la kan : ) Biasa lah .
Guess what , the wedding's date same as my anniversary with my baby boo . Hehehe . Thats all for today . Bye-bye readers!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

25th May .

Pada sebelah pagi, kami pergi ke sekolah lama untuk mengambil sijil SPM 2008 yang sudah menjadi harta sekolah, HAHA . Selepas itu, kami membeli half dozen of roses which is pink and red to visit our late-bestfriend . And then we're going back home and have a good sleep .

Selepas tidur seketika,
at 6 PM waking up and get ready, after that fetch up miera dan kami pun menuju ke Masjid Kristal untuk berbuka puasa . Selepas berbuka puasa, kami menunaikan solat maghrib di masjid tersebut . So nice !
And thats the end of the day .